Who we are
The Homeless Coalition of Southern Indiana is a non-profit organization actively addressing homelessness in Southern Indiana. We seek to build community collaboration in addressing the issues the unhoused face in our community. Through education, advocacy, and awareness, we want each member of the community to know they have a role to play. By working together, we can change lives.
Our Mission
The mission of the Homeless Coalition of Southern Indiana is to is to address homelessness and its causes in the community by increasing advocacy, awareness, community collaboration, coordinating efforts, and influencing policy decisions.
Our Vision
Each resident of Southern Indiana will have the economic opportunity, support, and resources to be financially self-sufficient and able to live in and maintain quality, affordable housing.
Our Programs
Housing Stability
This program serves to meet the needs of those at risk of losing their homes due to circumstances out of their control.
White Flag Shelter
When the weather gets below 35 degrees from Nov-Apr, our White Flag shelter opens in order to keep the unsheltered warm and safe.
Street Outreach
Our street outreach program strives to make a connection with those who are unsheltered to develop a relationship and provide services.
Benefits Navigation
This Program provides certified benefits navigators to help individuals reach community benefits available in our community
How you can help
Whether your would like to donate money, clothing, food, your time or just want to figure out what you can do, we will be happy to assist you in assisting our unhoused and at-risk population!